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Editorial (Issue 137): Maintaining Our Health
Sep 1, 2020

For many of us, health is one of those gifts that is often taken for granted until it is too late. We become used to the ease at which we can complete simple tasks such as writing a letter, eating an apple, or walking up a staircase. Our health also consists of other facets as well, including our mental and spiritual health. Life changes dramatically when even the slightest altercations to our health, in regard to any of these dimensions, becomes noticed. It is important for us to do what we can to strengthen our health, and to be grateful for it while we have it.

The natural world is filled with an abundance of healthy fruits and vegetables that were perfectly created to help stave off various illnesses and complications. This issue will continue to explore the date fruit, an incredibly tasty snack that is filled to the brim with most of the vitamins and antioxidants that our bodies need. The papaya is another fruit that will be examined due to how exceptionally healthy it is, especially in regard to its ability to help those that are diabetic or trying to lose weight.

The homeless often struggle immensely to maintain their health due to their inability to access resources that are otherwise available to those with money. Judy Eichstedt chronicles her experiences with homelessness while trying to provide for her six children. In the end, it was the actions of selfless and compassionate people that gave her hope, the medicine of the soul that can restore any of us back to normality. Poverty is much more than simply not having money; it is a way of life that drastically affects every aspect of a person’s life.

Depression is a state of affliction that can cripple a person’s mental health and consequently bring the rest of their life to a grinding halt. It affects millions of people across the globe on a daily basis and can stem from a multitude of sources. Patients are encouraged to seek professional help, learn about what depression is and how it affects them, and to take a sincere, reflective look at their lives in order to better understand where it stems from in order to attack it at its sources. 

Lastly, our actions can affect our health if we know that they conflict with what we believe to be ethical and just. “The Fruits of Our Labor” is an immersive story that details the moral struggles of a well-paid, but pollution-inducing, factory laborer. It is near impossible for us to enjoy peace of mind when we know that we are engaging in behavior that upsets our values or brings disgust to our souls.
